Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm Officially Stupid

"Of all that things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."

Lost my passport few hours ago, at Christmastime (really?!). Left it in a taxi, bag fell off and I didn't even check if my passport was there, it totally slipped off my mind. I meant yes I did check twice the taxi floor if something was there but passport didn't really occur to my mind. When the taxi dropped me off, I even stared and memorized the 5-digit of the taxi's plate number at the back. But as soon as I reached sister's home,  and found out my passport is missing ... I can't remember the 5-digit number.. I don't even know which taxi I took, or even the roof color.. I only know it's beige and it's definitely not  Camry coz it's not that spacious. I am completely mental blocked. SUCKS! 

I really blame myself for this, I'm too careless, stupid, etc I really really really hate my selective memory. Why I CAN memorize unnecessary stuff in one single reading but important ones I can't. WHY?

P.S. Called/filed the lost passport report to Dubai Taxi/RTA already. Hopefully someone found it and will call me tomorrow to inform me that they got it or else day after tomorow I'm going to report it to the police  *fingers crossed* Oh and I have my first job interview tomorrow *another fingers crossed*


  1. Dear Biten,

    I hope you will get it back soon inshaallah!
    You know I had a situation where I lost my memory completely. My das was operated ( a very hard operation-brain tumor) years ago and he called me at work. I was so surprised that he woke up so quickly and could speak...So I asked at work to leave immeditely to get to the hospital. As I was driving I notice that I had to fill up with petrol and I stopped at the next petrol station and as I wanted to pay with my credit card, because I had no money with me, I could not remember my pin number!!! I used this card almost daily and had it since years and it was completely gone! So I had a problem and could not get quickly to the hospital, but to my bank to get money and drive back to pay etc.

    The point by my experience was that out of the dramatic happening I lost my mind!

    I wish you luck honey, that you get it soon, and also much much luck for your interview!


  2. @bosnishmuslima

    Thank you so much for your kind words. I sincerely appreciate it.

    No news for my lost passport as of this moment.

    Interview went well. I'll be back next month for the 2nd interview.

    Thanks again :)

  3. good luck wth ur next interview dear n i really2 hope u get back ur passport. :(


  4. @silla

    Thanks... I honestly am beginning to lose hope that I'll ever get it back.

  5. Yikes! That is bad! What were you thinking carrying your passport like that in your handbag!?!
    Sorry, doesn't help right.
    Inshallah it'll get sorted out. Chill! Relax! Nothings gonna happen if u keep stressing about it. just do what you can and leave the rest to Allah SWT.

  6. @Splendid

    I know right? :D

    Actually, I took it out with me for photocopying purposes so I won't carry it around but after having a copy ... the rest is history :|

    They say.. things we lose in life always have its own way of coming back to us at the end but it always happens in the most unexpected ways.. so let's wait and see :)


Go Ahead Punk, Make My Day!