Yesterday, while I was going back to work after lunchbreak, I've noticed someone left her iPad in a leather case on the bench in Metro Station waiting area.
I looked around to see whether the owner is still there, I saw her when she left because she was sitting near me. I was actually having second thought whether to pick it up or just leave it there, let someone else find and take it but decided to pick it up. I again looked around trying to remember which direction the owner went to but can't recall if she headed out the station or down the subway. I walked slowly to the escalator, was going down to give it to Metro personnel.
I looked around to see whether the owner is still there, I saw her when she left because she was sitting near me. I was actually having second thought whether to pick it up or just leave it there, let someone else find and take it but decided to pick it up. I again looked around trying to remember which direction the owner went to but can't recall if she headed out the station or down the subway. I walked slowly to the escalator, was going down to give it to Metro personnel.
When I was already on the escalator, I looked back and saw the owner going back to the bench. Then she looked at my way, saw me and waved to me. I waved back showing her her iPad and started climbing up then stopped when I realized I was on the down escalator LOL.
She followed me to the escalator and when she reached me I immeadiately handed her the iPad back, telling her I was actually going to give it to Metro personnel. She just said "thanks" and never smiled. She doesn't look too pleased. When we reached the floor, she took the up escalator without looking back.
She followed me to the escalator and when she reached me I immeadiately handed her the iPad back, telling her I was actually going to give it to Metro personnel. She just said "thanks" and never smiled. She doesn't look too pleased. When we reached the floor, she took the up escalator without looking back.
Seriously, my jaw dropped. I felt bad. What was she thinking, I would keep it? Hadn't it occur to her that if I had the intention, I would have had put it inside my bag as fast as I can? But matter of fact, I didn't even bother to take it out from its case.
I am steadily losing my faith in humanity...
Wow, some people can be very ungrateful. You did the right thing though, don't let it put you down from being nice. You're nice 'cause that's you, you're not being nice just so that they can acknowledge it.
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
DeleteDon't. Lose faith. Because of a few people, you can't let yourself live without the most beautiful feeling of oneness. For what its worth, I would have been extremely grateful had I been in her place. :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's just the world we live in. People no longer trust, for those that trusted had their trust broken and there are many who say things with strings attached.
ReplyDeleteSo like Zeba above me said, do what is right, and it doesn't matter if the other person sees or not, as long as you know what it true.
Merci :)
DeleteI agree with Nas, as long as you know you did the right thing , that is what matters the most. Unfortunately there will always be ungrateful people in the world
ReplyDeleteMerci bcp :p
DeleteFunny! This happens quite a lot. Maybe i should stop being nice, lol
ReplyDeleteHi Ebanehita :)
DeleteWas having that same attitude till I read this..
"May you never let the bad someone's done to you ruin your happiness. May you never let their bad behavior stop you from behaving at your best."
This is really true. Thanks God I found this article coz I am really upset for 3 days.
ReplyDeleteGlad i could enlighten you with this article, Super Andoy :)