Sunday, May 6, 2012

Free Unused Books (For Real)

Yo, booklovers and freebielovers in the UAE!

I know there are many of you out there who still prefer to read conventional books than e-books and I also know that we all like free stuff, right? Right?

Lucky us, we have the Book Shelter here in the UAE where we can adopt books as much as we want..
The Book Shelter  is an initiative to promote a culture of reading in the country. What they do is encourage the UAE community to donate their unused books and then they -the Book Shelter- will provide those books to the community -anyone regardless of age and nationality- for free. They are trying to establish free library station across the Emirates, the same thing they have done with Maraya Art Centre in Al Qasba, Sharjah. They have free library centre there with over 400 books that are for free. You could just basically walk in there take a book of your choice and just go home with it. They also have a complete list of books on their website wherein you can just order and they will deliver it for free. They also participate in exhibitions, events and they create a reading nook.
Seriously guys, this organization is superb. They are genuine. I can guarantee there is no catch, no hidden anything, no fees something, no need to like/follow nothing. In fact, last January, I have ordered 3 books and received them right away. They even included a beautiful bookmark. Here's the proof..

The best things in life are, indeed, free! And there's no excuses for you all not to visit their site and adopt books.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi jnana!

      Yes, I did. In fact, I have had a meeting with the one of The Book Shelter founders et al, last Saturday at Al Qasba for a possible project.

      It was great meeting them, really. Too bad the Maraya Art Centre was closed so I didn't get to see the Book Shelter library there.



Go Ahead Punk, Make My Day!