Monday, January 16, 2012

This is how they serve ice cream in Dubai..

The best place to cool off.

Like it. Love it. Have it.

Indulgences - Berry Berry Berry Good (Signature Creations) and my own creation.

My favorite is Cinnamon with almonds, chocolate chips and caramel syrup. It's a "Create Your Own" ice cream.


  1. haha i love it when they start singing and throwing scoops at each other

  2. @jnana
    I have never heard them singing or seen them doing something exceptional like that in the video clip. I saw them doing flaring but I've never seen an acrobatic throws of the finished scoop and catching it in the cups or bowls or letting me to catch it (thank god!)or any customer to have a go at it. LOL.


Go Ahead Punk, Make My Day!